VLUCHT 050511 – 2011

Commissioned by: BFO – Niek van Der Sprong productions. Location – Park Wezenlanden Zwolle. Period: 2011

Vlucht 050511 is a challenging game. This game is unique. As a participant, you step into the shoes of a refugee and make the escape from your home country to the Netherlands. This journey will not be comfortable and it is uncertain whether you will ever arrive.

Apart from the sun, nice atmosphere and good music, the visitors to the festival could also retreat with their friends and play this exciting game. In the meantime, they could briefly touch upon the frustrations and discomforts that the average refugee has to deal with before, during and after their journey.

Quote from de Stentor “Between the eating, drinking and partying crowd, there is also time for reflection at the Bevrijdingsfestival. Two women and their children imperturbably played the game Vlucht 050511, or crawled under the skin of a fugitive. The game is based on the game Ganzenborden only now the player seeks asylum. While playing this game, this question pops up; “A family member has been affected by genocide. Genocide? What is that? You have to skip two turns.”

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