Dedicated Follower @ Video Art Miden – Kalamata, Greece

(click here for English version)

Art Video Dedicated Follower is geselecteerd voor het filmfestival VIDEO ART MIDEN (Zero Minus Zero), Kalamata, Griekenland.

Video Art Miden - Dedicated Follower
Video Art Miden -2023 -Dedicated Follower, Kalamata, Greece – click on image

Dedicated Follower(2022) is samen met 130 andere video’s verkozen uit 1400 inzendingen om vertoond te worden op een meerdaags Video art festival in Kalamata. VIDEO ART MIDEN is een 4-daags festival van hedendaagse videokunst waarbij elke dag een ander deel van de stad wordt geactiveerd. Het festival is te bezoeken van 6 tot 9 juli 2023.

Over Dedicated Follower

In de video Dedicated Follower 2022 ontleed ik op collageachtige wijze het hedendaagse sociale fenomeen volgen. Het wordt spreekwoordelijk op de snijtafel gelegd, ontleed, ontdaan van zijn algemeen maatschappelijke aanvaardingen en kritisch onder de loep genomen. Ironie en brute werkelijkheid, fictie en non-fictie wisselen elkaar af. Beeld en geluid vertellen een tegenstrijdig verhaal.

In dit kunstwerk wil ik niet de verschillen maar de overlap zichtbaar maken tussen verschillende type aanbidders en  aanbedenen en tegelijkertijd ook een lans breken voor het individuele denken, het onafhankelijke zijn… voor de autonoom denkende mens.

Over Festival Miden (Zero Minus Zero)

Video Art Miden - Kalamata- Greece
Video Art Miden – Kalamata- Greece

Audiovisuele en artistieke experimenten, ritme, verbeelding, kleur, poëzie, videodans, performance, animatie, kunstmatige intelligentie, persoonlijke verhalen, hedendaagse sociaal-politieke-existentiële reflecties en beelden uit de toekomst komen samen in een rijk internationaal programma, dat de trends van onze tijd op mondiaal niveau traceert, door het werk van zowel gevestigde als opkomende jonge kunstenaars.

Het curatorteam van Miden presenteert in Kalamata meer dan 130 werken uit 30 landen uit de hele wereld, verdeeld in thematische secties en hommages. Het evenement omvat openbare avond vertoningen in verschillende open ruimtes elke avond (Aristomenous voetgangersstraat, vertoningen aan zee bij de jachthaven en het oostelijke strand), evenals ochtendevenementen in het Archeologisch Museum van Messenië, die presentaties en lezingen door uitgenodigde kunstenaars en curatoren, audiovisuele presentaties en eerbetoon omvatten.

De evenementen worden gehouden in samenwerking met de Nieuwe Filmclub van Kalamata – Filmhuis en de organisatie K.A.NE. (Sociale Ontwikkeling van de Jeugd), met steun van de gemeente Kalamata en de gemeentelijke culturele organisatie FARIS, evenals particuliere partners. De ochtendevenementen worden gehouden in samenwerking met het Eforaat voor Oudheden van Messenië en het Archeologisch Museum van Messenië.

Sectie 02 – The Thinker _ open air screening

Video Art Miden- Section-The-THINKER-
Video Art Miden- Section-The-THINKER-

Mijn video Dedicated Follower maakt samen met 11 andere video’s deel uit van de sectie 02 ‘The Thinker’ met werken die twijfel uitdrukken of de Sisypheïsche dimensie van het leven uitbeelden en ons stof tot nadenken geven. Het totaal duurt 51 minuten en wordt zaterdag 8 juli om 21u in de buitenlucht vertoond.

Curatoren Olga en Gioula Papadopoulos – locatie: Vista Marina – zaterdag 8/7 21.30 open air screenings.

Alle data en tijden

Morning zone: Friday 7/7 and Saturday 8/7, Archaeological Museum of Messenia, 11:00-15:00

Evening screenings:

Thursday 6/7, Bandapart Recording Studio (inside), 20:00-23:00

Friday 7/7, Aristomenous pedestrian street, Old Cityhall (open air screenings), 21:30

Saturday 8/7, Vista Marina (open air screenings), 21:30

Sunday 9/7, Thalassa (seaside screenings), 21:30

Het complete programma en updates zijn te vinden op: and fb page:

Remains Of Today 240 x

(For English scroll down)

Remains Of Today 240 + 2022
Remains Of Today 240 + 2022

De kunst installatie Remains Of Today is nog altijd aan het uitdijen. Momenteel telt het 240 kleine kunstwerken (verbals en UFO’s-30x 30 cm) .

Als je het strak naast elkaar zou uithangen zou het nu 6 meter breed x 3.60 meter hoog zijn.

Bij elk doek zit een verhaal geschreven in het Nederlands en English.
De eerste 100 doeken en verhalen zijn gebundeld in het boek Remains Of Today vol. 01. Dus Vol 02 en 03 lijken een logisch toekomstig vervolg.

Momenteel is de audio video experience (i.s.m. A. R.T.) te zien in de Stadkamer, Zwolle gedurende PROTO 2022.


Remains Of Today 240 x

The art installation Remains Of Today is still expanding. At the moment it counts 240 small works of art (verbals and UFO’ s -30×30 cm).

If you displayed it side by side, it would be 6 m. wide x 3.60 m. high.

Each canvas holds a story written in Dutch and English.
The first 100 paintings and stories are bundled in the book Remains Of Today vol. 01. So vol 02 and 03 seem a logical future sequel.

At the moment the audio video experience (in collaboration with A. R.T.) can be viewed in the Stadkamer, Zwolle during PROTO 2022.

Een overzicht van de laatste 20 hieronder – An overview of the last 20 below

Dedicated Follower

Dedicated Follower- video still- Thumbnail- 2022
Dedicated Follower- -video still- click this image to see video

Lees Nederlandse tekst @

About this video.

I’ve made this video especially for the theme exhibition  Rituals (Rituelen), which will take place in the autumn of 2022 at the Rietveldpaviljoen, Amersfoort. It will be a centrepiece of a larger installation.

Many human customs are encapsulated with rituals. I took a close and critical look at the rituals concerning the phenomenon of “following “. As an artist I am interested in decomposing social phenomenon’s, strip it from its general social acceptance and examine it on it’s true merits.

Because of the sensitive content of the video it could easily be misread or misinterpret. This is why I wrote this supporting letter. To explain my underlying motives to you! It feels kind of vulnerable to share the video with youThe reason to publish it ahead of the exhibition is to examine the sentiments it arouses and if the message I want to send comes across the way I hope.

So here goes:

The difference between following and following– I feel more or less obliged to clarify what I mean by following within this context, because we more or less all follow and imitate, constantly, consciously, unconsciously and since the dawn of time.

I make the distinction between critical following and blind following. The following I am referring to in my video is blind and fanatic. In the blind variety the critical ability kind of disappears and dedication and fanaticism gradually increases. A fanatical follower more or less surrenders his uniqueness and literally hands over his individuality and power. What consequences this may have thereafter depends entirely on the followed, to whom this authority is granted to. Passionate following sounds fairly harmless, but is it really?

To follow, anno now, anno the past, anno the future – Following, anno now, is something that literally engages masses of people on all kinds of different levels. Because it has an enormous social, commercial and economic impact, it raises the question to what extent we are slowly losing our autonomy en masse and what possible consequences are still in store for us. How will we look back on this in the future or is the future a more extreme continuation of what we are experiencing today?

Read expanded version @

Lees de uitgebreide versie in het Nederlands @

No alt text provided for this image

Disclaimer (wrote on 09-02-2022) Although I wanted to take this topic of ‘following’ to the cutting edge I had not foreseen that YouTube would remove my content on the grounds of Hate Speech. This was as shocking as it was interesting because, obviously, the content was not considered in depth. They’ve been upset over some historical images that easily can be used in the actual hate speech industry. In my defence; a kitchen knife can be a murder weapon in the hands of murderer but in the hands of a cook it’s a useful and much needed tool……………

…………….I do hope to make the viewer reflect as I try to peel off the innocence of the word follow.

Read entire disclaimer @

Lees gehele disclaimer in het Nederlands @

Social acceptance and adaptation – So, in conclusion, we all like to follow. Following as an activity has undergone a transformation in the 21st century; it has now become a more abstract, elusive, extensive, and diffuse concept. It is currently unclear if and what consequences are tied to contemporary online following. Although I have this premonition that those consequences will be there, and that it will unfold very gradually and quietly. Nevertheless, as it has now turned into a widely accepted phenomenon, there is little to no resistance in society; it seems as natural as the sun emerging daily.

Meanwhile, a major social shift is taking place that is actually eluding our perception because, to a greater or lesser extent, we are all currently part of it. Whether the outcome is positive or negative, it seems to become an irreversible process; the system wherein it operates is too big as it is. Morals, norms, values, outlook on the world, fashion, trends, politics, geopolitics and even the perception of nature, everything is influenced and colored by this faceless system.

Having supporters or being supporter is now an important measure of popularity, especially for young people – it confirms a right to exist. In a strange way, it provides some kind of online communal sense, only this particular community is in addition to being powerful, rather superficial, infinite, and fickle and thrives on the delusion of the moment.

Following and peer group dynamics versus autonomy – There appears to be more polarization and divergence today than there was a few decades ago. We have all come to live in our own confirmation bubble and are increasingly less understanding of the other side. We feel safe and empowered within our group or bubble, we are known and recognized there. Decreasing tolerance and resentment of other groups is possibly a secondary effect here. Therefore, with this video I would like to make a stand for, autonomy and independent living and thinking.

Read the original concept and context, the introductory text for the exhibition ‘Rituals’@

Lees het originele concept en context, de introductie tekst voor de expositie ‘Rituelen’ @

Read the uncut story and disclaimer in total @

Lees het complete verhaal en de disclaimer in het Nederlands @